Sunday, October 14, 2012

San Diego Little Italy's Festa- Gesso Italiano

It's actually been awhile since I've posted. Been really busy with family and upgrading of a new computer, baby, and finding time to get on the computer. Finally everything has been said and done and now it's time for fun and postings! Today I got to finally make it to the San Diego Little Italy's annual Festa! Celebrating all things Italian and got to see some cool Gesso Italiano "Italian Chalk." The weather was picture perfect in San Diego and the artworks were amazing!

We got to take the trolley to the Festa! First time for Ava and Mommy!

Chilling while everyone is hard at work painting with chalk.

I was so torn to pick this one for most creative, the most unique out of all the chalk paintings! But I ended up picking a different one!!!

Chalk but in an oil painting style! Definitely unique!

Another good one!


The one below was my pick for Best In Show. He's not quite done yet but just look at it!!! Amazing on the spot painting!

Super talented!!!
I ended up picking the one below as the Most Creative. She painted this from a photograph and this was also spot on!

Very  beautiful!
The next two is cute chalk stuff I found I thought Joseph would of approved! Mario and Minecraft, he would of went crazy for these!!

Here is Ava posing with Steve the Minecraft guy for Joseph :)

Overall it was a great time and I think Ava had fun!! Can't wait until next week when we go apple picking and pumpkin picking :) Until next time!!

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