Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ava 9 & 10 months! The countdown to ONE begins!

I can't believe Ava is just two months shy from her first birthday! Planning has begun in full effect. She's a regular stairmaster now, the faster she gets up, the faster she can make a mess in Joseph's room. The two of them love bath time together.

Love these two candid shots of them during bathtime.
Let's make waves!!
Ava with her Miss Hollywood glasses

Since we don't have any carpeting in the house besides the stairs and two closets, Ava is fascinated with the stairs and likes to spend her time climbing and combing it with her fingers. She tends to go into Joseph's room since it is right at the top of the stairs and make a nice ol' mess for him.

Here she is playing half way up on the stairs. Always supervised of course!

She loves to go into Joseph's room and pull all the books from his bookshelf!
And she likes ripping his Angry Birds artworks off the walls. OoOOooops!!!!
"Look Mama! I made it to the top!!!"
Our new friend Lambchop is now a regular in the house and keeps everyone laughing and happy. She is just as silly and active as Joseph and Ava.
Even Lambchop likes to photobomb..haha
Here is Ava playing with farmer Carrot
Halloween is only couple days away and can't wait for the two to get some pictures for their first Halloween as brother and sisters!! Enjoy!

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