Thursday, June 28, 2012

San Marcos Farmer's Market

Just last year San Marcos (a subdivision of San Diego) started holding their own farmer's market on Wednesday on Cal State San Marcos Parking Lot. Compared to other ones in San Diego County, the one here is fairly smaller. I am happy to say we have finally checked out the farmer's market. I believe in the future they will have alot more vendors. Right now there's only a couple produce and fruit vendors which I would definitely like to see more of.

Lots of fresh produce

These basils will make your dollar hollar!

Sampling strawberries and then begging for strawberries

These were some sweet #?^%@#^* white cherries..haha

And...more fresh produce!

We picked up a nice big batch of fresh basil with the roots still in it for $1!! Joseph begged for strawberries so we got him a little basket of that. We sampled some white cherries from another vendor. The crazy thing is I grew up hating cherries, but I have never ever tasted white cherries that had the same texture and sweetness as a peach. My mouth was definitely wanted more.

San Marcos Farmer's Market is open every Wednesday from 4-7pm and every Sunday from 10-2pm.

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