Wednesday, June 27, 2012

San Diego County Fair aka Del Mar Fair

Oh the fair you are preventing me from having a productive Wednesday workday! Maybe I should of planned for the San Diego County Fair on a weekend but why would I if it is kids free/sample tasting price Tuesdays!!

My favorite at the San Diego Fair: fresh roasted corn!!

We took off after Joseph's Taekwondo practice with another student from his studio. This time Jospeh got to go on rides and eat his annual pizza from the fair (nothing spectacular at all, but that's what this kid wants. At least he's not asking for fried Oreos or fried cheeseburgers! So I am thankful for that :) Always a good time there walking around, bumping into people you know and eating fair food. This year's theme is aliens (insert X-files opening theme music here). We enjoy coming here every year since I used to growing up in San Diego so now that I have my own kiddos we make it a summer tradition. Plus what kid would reject fun rides, cotton candy, win toys and prizes? Uh huh, I thought so!!

I guess the kids are considered the "aliens"
Kids are weird sometimes...very weird..

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