Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ava's month 11 with Joseph

This picture says it all...
 As I am narrowing down the plans for her first birthday party, I am still amazed that the time is almost finally here. I wish I can just pause at this time and keep it like this forever. This is one of my favorite baby stages, from her knowing some basic gestures to knowing what she wants and when she wants it. It is exciting to know she is trying to communicate with us. These next couple weeks will consist of lots of picture taking cause I know it will just fly by before I know it.

Brother and sister love.
Joseph has been getting more comfortable about picking up Ava and keeping her away from dangers areas, mainly HIS ROOM. But honestly, his room is full of danger toys. Just as Ava is growing fast, so is Joseph. He recently lost his first tooth and now tells me he doesn't need my help when going to the bathroom at Taekwondo. Talk about being independent!

Angry Bird obsessed!
Angry bird obsession is still alive and full blown. I think for awhile he was starting to move on to something different. Until he found Evantube channel on YouTube. Outfit below is a new one since the weather has finally gotten a little bit more like winter. My mom decided to put on one of several new outfits that was untouched in her closet. (Which I should probably sort some out....)

Look Ma! I'm really trying to figure out this walking thing without hands!!

My little sweetheart!
The one thing Ava really enjoys doing is reading books. I can even pinpoint her favorite one at the moment. It is called, "I Love You Through and Through". I used to read it to Joseph every night and he loved it. So I am really glad Ava enjoys it too.

Chilling by the stairs just reading..
Cute sheep plush I found at cute I went back for two more
Handing down orders to the sheep,....BAAAAAA.. 
 We recently started giving her food to feed herself. It took awhile because we were afraid she would choke and just recently noticed she did not care much for the baby food we were bringing home.
Enjoying my banana
Hopefully tomorrow I can do a test run of her birthday cake. So many great plans but never enough time!!

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