Monday, August 20, 2012

Ava's 6 months shoot (But taken at 8 months!)

I can't believe my baby girl is already 8 months old!!  I love her static looking hair, her silly teething grin, and most of all her adorable self in all these cute outfits!  Here is a couple teasers and I can't wait to see the rest!

Swim Romper: Janie and Jack (Out of season)

Sailor swim cover jacket: Janie and Jack (Out of season)

All I think about is eating my boots! Nom Nom Nom!! Whole outfit is from Old Navy with the exception of the floral on the straw hat. That was added separately.

Look at those two little teeth...Silly Ava!!

Pretty in her lace rufflies
Will post the rest when I get them!

Photo credit: Andi Allison Photography

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