Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rainier Cherries where have you been all my life??

Red cherries, I'm asking for an extension to consider if I fully like you yet.

I cannot believe I passed up cherries this long in my life because I had one when I was 2 or 3 and the sourness freaked me out. Thus causing me to dislike EVERYTHING cherry. Cherry starbursts, jolly ranchers, cherry pies, and the list goes on and on.

Ever since I had a sample of a sweet white cherry at the farmer's market last week, I've been craving more! (At least the white type!).  So this white cherry actually have a real name: Rainier Cherries. They are the sweetiest and tastiest of all cherries and THAT I'm totally okay with cause they are just so awesome! I found them at Costco for $9.99 for a 3 pound container!! I think I scored with that one. My mom was overjoyed and snuck some to her room. Not only tasty, but so pretty to look at as well. We even let Ava get a taste of it which was cute. Hopefully I can still get my hands on some before the season is over!!

Here Baby Ava admiring with giddy at all the cherries she has to herself!

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