Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Flatbread pizza, Cod, and Ice cream dessert..how did I manage?!?!

Course 1
Wow, I'm actually surprised at myself for pulling off a thorough dinner on a Tuesday night. While watching Joseph at his taekwondo practice, I decided to take off to the grocery store. Since dining at True Food Kitchen and really liking the caramelized onion tart I had. I knew I wanted to try something with flatbread. I've also been craving white fish since the staple is usually salmon. Once I got all the stuff, I rushed back to pick up Joseph, head home, nurse Ava, and then got underway for our dinner feast (or just dinner haha).

First up, I picked up the following ingredients for my flatbread pizza. I've never worked with figs ever in my life and actually never ate them probably until a year ago. I'm still shaking my head at all the things I've missed out for so long.

Spinach decided to join in after the fact.
 I saw the fig & walnut balsamic sitting on the shelf and thought that would probably taste really good! So I ended up using that to glaze the flatbread for "pre-bake" (for 7 minutes) and then scattered all the toppings everywhere evenly as possible and baked for 15 minutes. After I drizzled more of the fig & walnut balsamic all over on top after everything was said and done. I must say, this was friggin good!!! Two thumbs up. Joseph wasn't so sure but at least he tried a bite. Point being, he "tried" a bite!!

What's for dinner tonight?? THIS! THIS! THIS!

Looks like a big cracker with a bunch of stuff! Good stuff that is!!

Ready for some close up! :)
Now for the second course, it was fairly simple. I seasoned fresh cod with salt and pepper. Pan seared it and threw it in the oven on 350 for ehhhh maybe 20 mins?? (Or like they say: until the fish flakes). I steamed the vegetables and just did a basic quinoa with vegetable broth and a little salt. Near the end of the bake time for the cod, I poured some italian dressing over it to give it a kick. It was delicious but I think I rather get tilapia next time. Thinner is just better for me!

Course 2: Joseph ate up that quinoa! I told him it is popcorn rice. ahah
Now on the the last course. But only Joseph had dessert. He told me what he wanted and I just threw something together. It's dessert, so I know he will eat whatever I put together. He asked for ice cream, strawberries, sprinkles, and the leftover compost cookie I baked last night. Hmmmmmmmm what can I do with that?? I diced up the strawberries along with some raspberries with it, sprinkled some sugar to balance out the sourness. Fruit, scoop of ice cream..wait make that two, some more fruit, crumble cookie into chunks and stick it in. Oh and throw some valentine sprinkles on the ice cream. He ate that dessert in lightning speed compared to his dinner.

Course 3
Store bought ice cream. Quick and eeeeaaassssyyy..
This whole meal was a lot easier than I expected, but after doing the bath/bedtime routine with Joseph and then bedtime routine for Ava, I think it's time for me to pass out! Until then, enjoy!!!

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