Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dr. Weil's Flourless Chocolate Cake

Yes I found my silly plates at Crate and Barrel!
Recently I visited True Food Kitchen in San Diego. I was really inspired by the whole principle of Dr. Weil and his food pyramid. Why didn't I hear about this ages ago? I've been to the restaurant twice and each time I go, I'm wanting to go back and try other dishes. Every about it makes my body feels good and I'm sure my body is thanking me for putting healthy stuff in it! I went on Dr. Weil's website just to snoop around for more information and I found a bunch HEALTHY recipes! I decided to start with his rendition of flourless chocolate cake (the healthy way).

Man..the more I use this font the more I'm lovin it!
The batter is two parts combined into one. Like any souffle dish, you have to fold in whisked egg whites somewhere, so this is no different.

Recipe can be directly found here.

Or my edited version below:
6 ounces dark chocolate, at least 70%
3 ounces butter
3 ounces almond butter
3 eggs, separated
6 tablespoons natural cane sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

JUST FRESH BERRIES (Forks and Kisses style)
1 cup frozen raspberries, defrosted
2 tablespoons pure cane sugar
1/4 cup water
2-3 cups fresh berries - blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
Blue Agave Nectar to drizzle and toss berries around
  1. Over a double boiler, melt chocolate, butter and almond butter. Let cool.
  2. Separate the egg and place the yolks in the bowl of an electric mixer. Add 3 Tbs sugar and beat until a light, pale yellow color, about 6 minutes.(Unless you are a professional manual whisker, use a electric mixer or else your arm will fall off!) Slowly pour in the melted chocolate and mix until combined.
  3. In a clean mixing bowl, add the eggs whites. Whisk until frothy. (YES! Wait until it is pass frothy stage before adding the next step) ---> Slowly pour in 3 Tbs sugar and mix until soft peaks form. Fold the whites into the chocolate/egg mixture. Carefully fold until combined.
  4. Spray 4 oz ramekin or muffin cups with pan spray.(Preferably outside, not above laminate wood floors) Pour the batter into the molds, almost to the top. Bake at 325 degrees for 12 minutes. (12 mins came out way underdone for me, I suggest 24 minutes). Let cool before unmolding.
  5. To serve: reheat at 300 degrees for 4 minutes. Spoon the fruit compote on top. (I found zapping it in the microwave for 25 seconds does the job).
After it cools, the middle tends to collapse a little bit.

This dessert is very simple, except I felt like I was in the kitchen of Gordon Ramsay (aka Chef Baby Ava). She was hollerin and yellin at me in her chair right beside me in the kitchen. Therefore, don't even attempt to manually whisk egg yolk or egg whites if you have a 6.5 months old shouting demands!! The pressure was definitely on just to finish this simple cake!

The berries are saying, "Eat me, eat me, eat me nooooowww!"

Perfect with fresh berries that's in season!
I have noticed with alot of Dr. Weil's recipes is that some ingredients you might not be able to find at your regular chain supermarkets. I had to go to Trader Joe's to look for ingredients such as evaporated cane sugar (huh??). However, in this recipes, natural cane sugar and the blue agave nectar are readily available at Ralph's, Vons, etc. Until then, enjoy!


  1. This looks delicious and your pictures are amazing. Would love for you to share your photos with us at

  2. Thank you! I submitted some pictures :)

  3. When do you add the vanilla extract?

  4. Sorry about that! You can add it with the eggs :)

  5. The information you have posted is very useful. The sites you have referred was good. Thanks for sharing... snickers chocolate price
