Friday, July 27, 2012

Baby Ava: Melting Hearts at 7 Months!

So soft and sweet, cute as can be :)
Baby Ava had the best weekend with her aunty, uncles, and grandmas from Taiwan. Also in that weekend she learned to sit up on her own! She sat up once unassisted, then twice, then for the third time! The following day she had no trouble at all! Plus her hair is starting to grow much longer in the front so now a hairclip is very helpful to give her that ultimate cutie pie look.

I'm gonna pet my head and stick my tongue out at you Momma!

My favorite!


Tongue is peeking out !
This must be a japanese cutie pose!

She also got to teeth-test some teether toys her uncle bought for his baby in the oven. They look shockingly like BBQ ribs and chicken wings. Ava loved it and probably wished they tasted like the real thing! Everyone cracked up at her nommming away at the teethers. Total papparazzi moment for Ava with all the iPhones and cameras snapping away.


Also Great-grandpa sent over a box of yee-haw clothing for Ava. To go along with her half Texan genes. Thanks Great Grandma/Grandpa for the cowgirl clothing!

Now I just need a horse!!! Or a pony is fine...ok I do live in the city. I'll take a Rody horse!!

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