Friday, June 29, 2012

Family who eats together stays together...

You might wonder where do I even get the time to write a posting day after day considering I work a 40 hour week at a desk job, have two kids, afterschool stuff, and etc?? First of all, everything is restricted at work, ESPECIALLY blogs, food blogs!! So my typical workday is drop Joseph off at school (My godsent mom watches Ava for me), then I go to work, come home from work with Joseph (with exception of Tuesdays and Thursdays I take Joseph to Taekwondo practice), try to come up with something for dinner, eat dinner, then bath/bed routine for Joseph, and somewhere in between I nurse Ava, I or husband will put Joseph to bed (over and over and over until he falls asleep). Then Ava goes to bed, then FINALLY I can get on the computer OR wait until husband is done then FINALLY FINALLY I can use the computer! I'll admit, it is pretty hectic but it's not really that difficult once you get the hang of it. Obviously having mom help out is 1000x more helpful but she deserves her break once I get home.

Just what the doctor ordered for the working mom! Or any mom! "Dinner A Love Story" Blog

I recently came across a blog that discusses the importance of having dinner together as a family. Joseph has always sat at the dinner table with me for each meal (ok, not really EVERY meal, sometimes not breakfast but dinners for sure). But ever since having Ava, I've definitely been slacking in delicious dinner category. So the blog "Dinner A Love Story" is a great inspiration to help me organize and learn how to organize the little time I have to make delicious dinner for my family while still holding on to the importance of having dinner as a family. In my Forks and Kisses world, I want to make it more enjoyable, more refined, and slow it down so everyone can cherish these times we have together to discuss day to day stuff, accomplishments, school stuff, or just chit chat.

I did not buy the book yet, but is available at Amazon. Since I figured alot of the recipes and ideas are all written nicely in her blog I'll try that route first. In her book it goes into more detail about the planning process and some other stuff I have no clue about because I don't own the book yet haha. So once I purchase her book I can do a more thorough review. For now, the recipes look easy and delicious since they are those "tried and true" recipes, so I'm excited to try it. Check out her blog and stay tuned for hopefully delicious dinners serving up at Forks and Kisses!!!

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